- information is free to discuss with jamie wells -,mobile.0450568539
Site Inspections
,Certification with full insurance

Fire Rated Steel up to 120/120/120 this design by jamie 0403066983

Penetrations through a slab this design by jamie 0403066983
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Phone for your site safety checklists,
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- check your building for combustible cladding -get Certification - Reports completed - get your completed list of fire and smoke containment systems _
you should fill in one of these form for each job, www.firecertify.com, Phone 0450568539
__ firecertifier@gmail.com__ get a Statement of Compliance
Fire Rated Work Forms & form 12 and fom43 this design by jamie 0450568539

class 1 buildings (houses) do you understand distance to boundaries, firewalls are at 90 degrees to boundaries, as diagram below shows, www.firecertify.com, Phone 0450568539
__ firecertifier@gmail.com__ get a Statement of Compliance
ask for fire safety stickers, www.firecertify.com, Phone 0450568539 , firecertifier@gmail.com__ Fire Safety Stickers if required
Fire Rated Work Stickers - this design by jamie 0450568539

Fire Rated boundry and building clearance this design by jamie 0450568539

https://www.firecertify.com, Phone 0450568539
__ firecertifier@gmail.com_
Fire Rated Timber Work this design by jamie 0403066983